Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Fall!

I've made it to Fall! Its been a crazy couple of  months, but I'm loving my time in Pullman!
The Friday before Halloween we had a dance and a group of us got together and got ready for the dance. Here are a couple of pictures of us!

Me and Georgia

Me and Alyx match!

Georgia the Flapper, Beth the Modern Vampire, Alyx as Lorraine, and me 80's or the girl from the Babysitter adventures
 Caitlin and her girls came to town to have a sleep over! It was so much fun! We danced, sang, made halloween signs with foam, played at McD's and carved pumpkins. We should definitely do it more often. The girls loved the adventure of staying at Brynney's house, Caitlin loved the sister time, and I'm always willing to act a little silly with the girls.
Brynne, Megan, Caitlin, and Amy

Amy loved cutting with the little pumpkin knife!

Thanksgiving Begins!

This week we had a turkey dinner for FHE and I can now admit that I am officially in the mood for Thanksgiving! I am realizing how grateful I am for so many things in my life. And I also starting to notice how present the Lord's hand is in my everyday life. It's so incredible to recognize how He intervenes/assists/guides me from day to day. I think this year, I am especially grateful for my family and friends. They give me support when I need it, and are never afraid to tell me how it really is. Thanks guys! You're the best!

Next week is our Thanksgiving break from school. I am very excited to see family, feast, and hopefully meet the new little guy down in Rexburg. As the semester is winding down, I'm finding that I am so thankful that we have a break; I need it. : )

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Highlight of My Day

So I have started an Instute class. Basically is an hour each Tuesday and Thursday where I get to study the scriptures with other people my age.

In preparation for class today I was reading John 1-3 and I had pretty much the best thing happen to me--An answer to a deep philosophical question!

For those of you who don't know me well, I am NOT a deep thinker : ) I find that a sense of humor is a great thing to have in life both as a weapon as well as a shield. I have often wondered if our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. I mean really, it is important in my life, ( and sometimes I look at my life and wonder how He couldn't!) but its a valid thought.

So if you turn to John 1: 9 of the King James Version of the Bible you will have a chuckle. So this chapter talks about when Jesus turned water into wine--A very cool miracle to be sure. To sum it up, verse 9 says that the ruler of the feast didn't know it didn't start out as wine but that servants knew what was up. How it is written is phenomenal. It says, "The ruler...knew not whence it was...but the servants which drew the water knew ;) ..." Okay, did you see it?! Right there at the end! A WINKY FACE!!! He TOTALLY  has a sense of humor! gets better...

Once I realized how cool this was I thought, "Oh! I'll take a picture and show everyone!" I got out my cell phone and my blasted little baby camera wouldn't focus on the text. Bummer. So I grabbed my camera which has a text setting. This has got to work! I thought. It wouldn't focus either. AAAh! Maybe this is a sign...I'm supposed to keep this enlightenment quiet...Yeah right! Its just too awesome not to share. : )

Highlight of my day.

Things to ponder

I have only been on campus for a couple of days now and here are some things I have pondered:

1. Walking rules should be the same as driving--No texting while walking, no headphones while crossing the street, etc

2. Girls should NEVER wear shorts that are so short their butt cheeks hang out- I don't like to see it at the pool, I certainly want to see it in public! That means their butt cheek sits directly on the seat! GROSS!

3. Why do people still make eye motions while they're talking even though they're wearing dark sunglasses?--you know you've done it...

4.There should be some sort of rule about how many times its appropriate to say thank you to someone holding open a door for you. I mean really after about the 2nd or 3rd door in a row, I start to feel funny.

5. Why do smoke detector batteries seem to ALWAYS die in the middle of the night? I think its the battery gods way of getting even with us for not recycling them. Rude.

6. Is it wrong to consider tater tots their own food group?

7. Is it wrong to consider it today (even though its after midnight) just because you haven't gone to sleep?

8. Is it bad that when I have Reese's pieces I have to eat them all. I CANNOT have just a few. I think thats a problem. I have recently found that I have the same issue with candy corn. Uh oh.

9. Why do college kids like to ride in the shopping carts at Wal-Mart? I don't like to have the criss-cross pattern on my butt. I also don't really enjoy the struggle of climbing in and out of it whilst not sending the cart flying and face planting. But, I guess the upside is that the roommate has to do the "heavy-lifting" and push the cart. Maybe they're onto something. ...But then I'd need a roommate.

10. Why do people generally keep to themselves on buses? I mean, think about it-- when was the last time you carried on a full conversation with a complete stranger on a bus? Sure, you're polite but thats about where it usually ends. People are VERY quiet here. Most of them have their headphones in and stare at their feet.  And after my ride to school last week I don't blame them. I was on my way to school and the bus got really crowded. I was sitting on the side seats facing the center of the bus when people started shuffling in and the seats filled up. So, there, right at eye level, was a guys crotch... Now I know why people stare at their feet. ; )

Monday, August 22, 2011

1st Day of School!

Okay, okay, I realize I may be a bit too old for the 1st day of school pictures...but its tradition! I did not however eat blueberry muffins due to poor planning-that may have to be rectified here shortly...

For my Mom to add to the rest of my pictures...

Today, I successfully managed to catch the bus and make it to school - (+1 for Brynne). I got off the bus and trapsed down the hill to my class which was actually just down the road from where I had gotten off the bus--not down the hill - (+1 for WSU). Once I found my class I had some time to kill so I thought I'd sit outside and enjoy the weather. I placed myself under a tree so I wouldn't be in direct sunlight-us west-siders aren't too familiar with the sunshine... After a while I looked down and this little guy was on my knee! Now most you of would think that this would be a (+1 for Brynne) but I absolutely despise ladybugs and the fact that this little guy had the nerve to land on my leg, Hrmph! I suppose it is a (+1 for Brynne) because I managed to contain my distaste long enough to snap a picture before I forcefully flicked him away. :)

A few more minutes go by, bug free and I'm feeling pretty good about my start to my day. And then it happens. Pretty much the funniest thing that could happen to me...a class comes outside to get started on one of their projects--identifying bugs from our area. They came out armed with butterfly nets whacking bushes and stirring up all of those critters! I am just glad that I don't have to take that class.

About 30 seconds passed and I had some sort of creature land on my head. I was out of there!

Once I got to my class I realized that I knew the girl sitting in the front row. It took me a few minutes because, aside from the few people I've met at Institute, I don't expect to know anyone on campus. It was a girl who went to Mount Vernon High School, she was FFA President at some point and I knew her! Small world! I managed to catch up to her and we caught up-it was fun!

My 1 class that meets was fabulous! And my other 3 online classes are looking like they are going to be great as well!  I am very excited for this semester and the next two years!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

National Lentil Festival

So last night was the start of the Lentil Festival in Pullman! It was so much fun. I met up with a couple of people from the institute and we walked down to the festival. There were so many people! There were booths and mascots and an insane amount of opportunities for people watching!

Their main claim to fame is their Lentil Chili. It is delicious! Last year they made 350 gallons! This year they had a bowl that could hold 650 gallons! Thats a lot of chili..YUM!

Here is the GIANT bowl

Here is a close up of the delectable chili

After we saw the sights of the festival we went back to the institute and hung out and played ping pong.
I've included the directions in case you'd like to try it (Disclaimer: I don't know how much this recipe yields):

World’s Largest Bowl of Lentil Chili

Submitted By: National Lentil Festival

Lentils: 2 2/3 Cups
Water: 3 Quarts + 1 Cup
Onions, diced: 2/3 Cup
Celery, diced: 1/3 Cup
Carrots, diced: 1/3 Cup
Tomato puree: 17 Oz.
Pace brand salsa: 1 Cups + 1 Tablespoon
Chili powder, mild: 2 Tablespoon
Cumin: 1 Tablespoon
Granulated garlic: 1 Tablespoon
Granulated sugar: 2 Tablespoons
Kosher salt: 1 1/2 Tablespoons
Crushed red chili flakes: 1/2 Teaspoon
2/3 Cup water and 1/4 Cup cornstarch, stirred into a slurry
Cinnamon: 1/2 Teaspoon
Chopped cilantro: 1 Tablespoon
Mexican chocolate: 2 oz.
Green bell pepper, diced: 1/3 Cup
Red bell pepper, diced: 1/3 Cup

1. DO NOT INCLUDE CILANTRO OR CORNSTARCH SLURRY AT THIS TIME. Mix all ingredients together (EXCEPT cilantro and cornstarch slurry), bring to a boil, stir and cook (will take a couple of hours) until lentils are tender.
2. When the lentils are tender and the broth is well blended, add the cornstarch slurry and continue cooking until the chili consistency is very uniform.
3. Just before serving: add the cilantro, stir, serve.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Back to School...Back to School...

Okay, its that time again! I'm going back to school!!!

Next Monday, I will be starting my Masters in Agriculture! Woohoo! It has been a little bit of a struggle getting here. I made it and I'm ready to go!

This last weekend my mom, Megan, Amy and I brought over the last of my belongings to my apartment. It took a wee bit longer than usual with two tiny bladders and a trailer full of stuff but it was a blast. They spent  part of Saturday/Sunday/Monday with their mom and we went back over the Mountains. We got up early on Saturday and left for Pullman. Here are a couple of conversations that could have been heard:

Me: Megan, can you spell Ryan?
Megan: R-Y-A-N
Me: Great! now, Brynne
Megan: B-R-Y-N-N-E
Me: Okay, no Grandma
Megan: Ummm...
Grandma: Its C-O-O-L.
Me: Do you know what that spells?
Megan: COW!

Amy had been  having a tough time and had the sup-sups.

Amy: Sup, Sup
Caitlin: Shh, shh, it's okay
Amy: Sup, Sup
Caitlin: Shh, shh, try to take a deep breath
Amy: Sup, SNORT!

Today, I set out to find the Statistics Department and try to get a slot in one of their courses for Fall. I realized a few things today:

1. I am convinced that there is NO public parking on campus (though, I hear there is I just can't find it)
2. I should always take water and food rations with me where ever I go on campus incase I get lost
3. The building names are not clear and they aren't on the buildings themselves but on banners near the road so you can see them as you go by, looking for parking
4. It is possible to walk in to an area of any building that is a dead end-who knew?
5. You must respect the lunch breaks of those you need assistance--they value their lunch breaks
6. You can drive in a circle in Pullman...thats handy as I will probably get lost frequently for a while
7. Lentils are as important to Pullmanites as tulips are to Skagitonians
8. Lentil Chili is delish, I'd better get to the Lentil Fest Early!--Per the Pharmacist

My how the time flies...

So I have recently been informed that I am beyond overdue to update my blog. I am so over due infact, that I cannot remember my password and for some reason am unable to obtain it. That being said, if you'd like to check out my life prior to this please visit,

I have started a new blog and this is it! My last blog left off about the time I got laid off. A lot has happened since then and I will do my best to recreate it. Here goes!

April to September:

I moved back to Washington in April 2010 from North Carolina. I enjoyed the time away from work and I was able to visit my friends in other states, help out with watching my neices and playing with the family for about 8 months.

Shortly after I moved home I was called to be the FHE coordinator for my YSA ward at church. I thought, oh boy, I should have participated more often in life...but alas, I accepted and it worked out alright. I really enjoyed the calling and it definitely helped me to get to know other people. About a week after my FHE call was extended, I was called to serve as the Regional YSA Representative from my stake. Iwas quite a hefty task, but it turned out to be a blessing in many ways.


In October I got to go with my Mom to Texas for a conference. I bummed around the gorgeous Gaylord Texan Hotel while she went to classes and then when it was over we toured around and visited her friend Debbie. The coolest part though was not Big Tex...but President George W. Bush came and I got to attend the session. He was so charismatic! What a guy. Too bad we couldn't have seen more of that side of him while he was in office.

A shot of President Bush!

Me and Big Tex!

My Mom and Me at the Texas State fair!


I applied and interviewed with several companies both in and out of the Agriculture industry. In November 2010 I was hired on with Walgreens Home Services as an Intake Coordinator. I loved working in Intake, there was enough change from day to day that I was always on my toes. It was quite a blast. I worked at the same company as my Mom and in the same office as my sister-in-law Blair.

Also in November, my friends Jessica, from North Carolina. We went to Canada and Seattle and toured around Skagit County. It was a blast!

Seattle Skyline
Jessica & Me at Capilano Suspension Bridge

Jessica & Me at Deception Pass

Jessica at the Gum wall in Seattle. Pointing to Duke

Skyline from Seattle Pier

Jessica & I went to the Space needle! It was such a blast. I only had a momentary freak out that lasted the entire elevator ride up and every moment that I was outside....But it was so much fun!

Jessica at Capilano
The Vancouver B.C. Temple

The Peace Arch

November also brought to pass out annual Christmas Tree Hunt. It was cold this year. We actually had SNOW! After our tree was in the house Caitlin, Blair and I went and got mani's and pedi's. Blair had never been and lets just say...her feet are SUPER ticklish!


In December I became a real life, contributing adult to society! Oh boy! I bought my first car! The best part...MY name is on the title! :) This is what she looks like!

At the beginning of December we all went over to Sunnyside for their annual Lighted implement parade! It was cold but so worth it!

Me & Caitlin in the back. Emma, Elizabeth, Megan and Annie

Me and Caitlin

Dad, Mom, Me, Caitlin in the back. Danae, Maddie, Emma Elizabeth, Maddie, Amy and Megan

Mom and Me

Caitlin and Pam Kraft

The regional YSA group  got together with all of the regions west of the cascades to put on the a New Years Eve Dance in Seattle at the Seattle Center. I went down early to help set-up. When we got there the facility people wouldn't let us in. It was great fun trying to convince them to open the doors for us. Once we got all the 500 balloons blown up we had a few hours to kill so we hung out in Seattle until it was time for the dance. At about 10 to midnight we all shuffled out to watch the fireworks. They were amazing!

January through March:

I didn't do too much out of the ordinary for the next couple of months. I worked a lot, helped out with the YSA a bunch, and spent time with my family and Scott.

April through May:

In April we went down to Portland and attended a Dave Ramsey Live! event. It was absolutley amazing. I had such a blast and, lets be honest, Dave Ramsey is a great speaker. He is quite the showman! In April we also gathered in Sunnyside to celebrate Emma and Elizabeth's birthdays. It was fun to see everyone and how much they've grown!

In May we all got together in Kahlotus for Megan & Amys. Again, it was fun to see everyone. Having a football field as your front yard is helpful when you have a bunch of little girls with lots of energy!

Jana is my best friend! She and I have this awesome ability to pick up where we left off even after quite some time. She gets me. She doesn't hesitate to tell me how it really is. I love it! I went to Provo and visited with her and her family. It was such fun. Her little girls are getting SO big! I remember when Rylee was blessed and how small she they're both walking and have teeth! They're already little people! Here are some of the awesome faces of me and Jana! --Jana, believe me, you always make my highlights. :)


June is probably one of the greatest months in the entire year! Caitlin and I share our birthday. Its always so much fun and this year we celebrated in Kahlotus with hot dogs and cupcakes and in Lind in the evening with a Combine demolition derby! It was INCREDIBLE! I was surprised with the turn out but once the action started, I realized why!


Another Independence day came and went. I had to work the weekend but I was able to celebrate with a bbq in the evening and watched the fireworks from the local school's playground.

July 9th I was able to move in to my new apartment! It was a small transition to "get-rid" of most of my things. But I was excited with the anticipation of school beginning again and stepping out on my own for another time.

Grandpa Camp! It was a smashing hit! We went to see Winnie the Pooh the Movie, American Girl Doll Store, took pictures, and more!

Here are some pictures from the mall...the girls loved the water features!

SUGARLAND! Caitlin and I went to Sugarland July 18th for our birthday. It was such a blast and they put on a fantastic show!


August 9th is my Mom's birthday. The girls at work threw her a party!

And the Fair...

Megan is wearing my little pink sheep jacket and Amy is wearing my old U of I hoodie. So stinking cute!

These piglets were 3 days old! So tiny!

Meg and Amy at the petting zoo

Megan, Amy and Grandpa getting ready to ride the Ferris wheel

Waiting in line

Grandpa is visible, the others are too small to see but they're in there

I am once again up to date with my blogging. I know its a lot to take in all at once and its not as humorous as I'd liked but here you go, Jana, Mom, Grandma, and anyone else who has suggested that it is high-time that I update this thing! Lol.

Feel free to comment, call, or text me if I'm lagging in my updating! I hope you enjoyed the read...