Sunday, July 15, 2012

Time sure flies when you're having fun!!

One of my friends recently updated her post and as I was browsing her updates, I realized that it has been far too long since my past post.

In December, I went to Rexburg during finals week and met Simon. He is the cutest nephew I have!! After Christmas the rest of the family and I went back down for Simon's blessing. It was such a blast to see the little girls' reactions to a new baby.

School started back up in January for me and I was back at it. About the second week of school we had a  freak snow storm and school was cancelled! We got about 3 feet of snow in no time at all and leaving the house was quite the feat.

In February my friend Linnea and I threw a V-day dessert party. It was really fun we both spent the day baking desserts. It was such a blast.

In March I went on a school field trip during my spring break. Although I was absolutely, without a doubt, not thrilled about it, I learned a lot. We visited farms and orchards that were sustainable and in many cases organic.

In April, Michael, Blair, Simon and I teamed up to surprise the rest of the family for Easter. It was so much fun! At first only Blair and Simon were going to be able to make it and we would rendezvous to switch "cargo". Michael was able to secure enough time off from work and that totally made the surprise that much better. We rented a car in Pullman, as mine decided to break the week of the trip, and jetted off right after one of my classes. We drove to my parents driveway and then called my mom and told her to check her back steps for a package that was supposed to be arriving. When she opened the door we popped our heads over the fence and gave her the best surprise! We spent the next few days playing with everyone and hunting for eggs. It was such a blast.

In May, school ended for me and the weekend of finals, my dad and I walked the Bloomsday 10k. We got to meet Ali Vincent from the biggest loser and had such a blast walking and talking. Thanks Dad for inviting me to do crazy things with you!

Our time was slightly less than this, at 2:40

In June we went to the Lind Combine Demolition Derby and made a day out of it. We celebrated Caitlin, Mine, and Curt's birthdays and then watched combines smash eachother. It was pretty incredible. There were roll overs and some pretty serious wrecks. Although the weather was cold and blustery, it was a blast!! My friends from Pullman Kim and Laramie came too.

Caitlin, Curt, Me
Laramie, Kim, Me
July has come and almost gone at this point but it has been fun! Curt and I have gotten together a couple of times a month and enjoyed each other's company. His last trip out here I took him to Steptoe Butte and Garfield. It was fun for me to see Garfield and how it has/hasn't changed over the years. Apparently I didn't take any pictures of Steptoe...but there is a quick video of the view.
Me and Curt

Me and Curt...there may be a slight height difference ;)

Curt is a Huskey fan (big mistake) and so for his birthday, I got him the better team's swag. :)

This is the view of the sunset from the hill above my apartment

So for now...I am up to date on my blogging. I am spending the summer in Pullman working at Shopko, doing some research for my thesis, driving back and forth across the state and absolutely loving life!

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Those pictures you got of the girls with Simon are pretty cute. You and Curt are pretty cute together too. :) Good to see you online again!
